Dan Holden Art


British artist Dan Holden has developed a unique style, using the materiality of rough oriented strand board (OSB) combined with the viscosity of layered oil paint, to convey a positive emotional energy through abstracted forms.

Dan also uses his distinctive handwriting style to communicate ideas by directly transcribing words on to his paintings. It was one of these pieces that Dan had accepted into the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition.

Dan is inspired by the sense of artistic freedom generated by the ground breaking artists of the 20th Century. He is constantly experimenting within the material confines he has set himself. When developing a piece, it can be a destructive process, sometimes eradicating an ordered image to emphasise layers and textures, and the passage of time. This results in each of his artworks, having a personal intensity and physicality, imparting a sculptural tactility. 

Dan Holden (b. 1965) lives and works in Worcester. In 2016, he graduated with a First Class BA (Hons) in 20th Century Art from the Open University.


2018                     Henry Sandon Hall (Joint Exhibition)

2019 ongoing     Worcester Open Studios

2020                    Finalist Broadway Arts Festival

2020                    Founder Member of Yew Trees Artist Studios

2022                    Finalist Broadway Arts Festival

2022                    Royal Academy Summer Exhibition

2022                    The Artery Worcester (Joint Exhibition)

2023                    Bath

2023                    Ombersley Hall (Joint Exhibition)

2023                    No.16 Gallery Chelenham (Joint Exhibition)

2023                    Manchester Contemporary Art Fair

2024.                   Bath

2024.                   Celtenham Solo Show

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